Our priority is the safety of all members. Please respect our rules and the direction of our lifeguard staff. There is a mandatory 10-minute rest-break each hour on the hour for everyone under 16 years of age. Additionally, the pool is reserved for Adult Swim (16 years and older) from 3:00 to 3:30 each day. All others must vacate the pool for that 30 minute period. If at any time you have questions or concerns about the operation of your pool, please contact Pool Operations Chair, or e-mail to
HMSTC General Regulations
- All individuals in a membership family who use the tennis or pool facilities, or who participate in the social activities of the Club must do so as paying members…NOT AS GUESTS.
- The Pool Manager and Assistant Manager shall have the authority to suspend pool privileges of any member for a period not exceeding 48 hours.
- Infractions of the rules shall be reported to the Pool Manager or Assistant Manager. If necessary, they will report to the Pool Operations Chairperson, who, in turn, may request a hearing before a special panel consisting of the Club President and three members of the Board of Directors as to the action to be taken.
- Infractions of the rules shall be considered sufficient cause for suspension or revocation of privileges of membership in accordance with the By-Laws of the Club.
- Speed Limit on the Club Grounds is 10 mph. Members must park in designated areas.
- Mini-bikes, motor-scooters, and other motorized cycles are not to be operated for recreation on our property. Members may use these for transportation to the Club, but they may only be operated from the main gate directly to the bike rack or parking lot space. No laps, racing, or joy riding. They may not be operated on the Lisbon Lane footpath.
- Groups of 10 or more guests are prohibited unless requested of and approved in advance by the Board of Directors. Such guest groups will not be permitted on weekends or holidays.
- Members are welcome to walk dogs through the property provided they clean up after their dog and take refuse with them. Dogs MUST be on a LEASH at all times. No pets are allowed within the pool area, play areas, decks, or tennis courts.
- The distribution of any kind of hand bills or posting of any bills or notices of any kind, except those approved by the Club, is prohibited.
- The Club will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal property of members, their guests, or invitees of the Club.
- Hanging onto or climbing over pool lane markers is not permitted.
- No chewing gum is permitted within the pool area.
- No glass bottles or breakable containers are permitted within the pool area except when approved for special Club functions.
- Food should be consumed in the picnic areas. Tables and chairs are provided for that purpose. Absolutely no food or drinks near the pool.
- VANDALISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AT THE CLUB. Parents are responsible for the actions of their children and guests on Club property and will be held responsible for any destructive behavior. In accordance with the By-Laws, vandalism by a family member may result in the termination of that family’s membership.
- SMOKING IS PROHIBITED in all areas except in the Designated Smoking Area.
- Loud or offensive music is prohibited.
Fairfax County Health Regulations
- All bathers must take a warm shower, using soap, before using the pool and must wear swimsuits. Other attire such as cut-off jeans, tennis shorts, other shorts, street clothes, etc are not permitted.
- Admission to the pool is refused to any person having any kind of skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharge, or evidence of any communicable disease. Persons having excessive sunburn, open sores, or bandages of any kind will not be permitted.
- Expectorating or blowing of nose in the pool is prohibited.
- Parents must inform their children of the sanitary facilities available and require their use.
- Children who are not toilet-trained MUST wear special SWIM DIAPERS and must wear a bathing suit over top of the swim diaper. Common disposable diapers or cloth diapers are NOT allowed. Parents –check your child frequently and remove him/her from the pool immediately if soiled. Inform lifeguard immediately.
- To prevent Recreational Water Illnesses, do not swim if you’ve recently had diarrhea, don’t swallow pool water, and change diapers in restrooms –NOT on the pool deck/chairs.
HMSTC Safety Rules
- Children under 10 must be accompanied at ALL TIMES by an adult or baby-sitter who has passed the swim test and is 14 years or older. Children 14 and under must pass a swim test to be allowed to swim alone in all areas of the pool. The pool manager will keep a record of successful swim tests. To pass the swim test, a child must demonstrate the ability to competently swim the length of the pool without assistance, and to tread water for one minute without assistance. See manager to take test.
- Children who cannot swim are prohibited from using flotation devices in the main, central area (25m long, 3-5 ft. deep) of the pool unless directly accompanied by an adult. In all cases, adults/parents should provide direct in-the-water supervision of non-swimmers at all times whether the child is wearing a flotation device or not.
- Use of the baby/wading pool will be limited to adult supervised children 5 years of age and younger. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE LEFT UNATTENDED IN THE WADING POOL.
- All children under 16 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR PARENTS OR AN AUTHORIZED ADULT AFTER 6:00 PM. The Manager’s discretion determines the number of children an adult may safely supervise.
- Instructions of the Lifeguards and Pool Manager will be obeyed promptly.
- Bathers are not to engage Lifeguards in social conversation while they are on duty.
- No running, horseplay, or disruptive behavior is permitted: e. pushing, dunking, chicken fighting, etc.
- Large inner tubes, beach mattresses and other like items will generally not be allowed in the pool. When the pool has only a few members present, the Pool Manager on duty may grant exception. Smaller flotation devices are generally permitted. When purchasing flotation devices, parents who want the safest situation for their children should look for equipment that is Coast Guard approved and which is properly fit for the age/weight. Persons should not jump from the pool edge onto a flotation device that is lying in the water. Lifeguards may add additional constraints on the use of flotation devices or other toys (up to prohibiting use) when conditions warrant.
- “Nerf” balls are allowed, but hard balls or tennis balls are not allowed. The basketball shall be kept in the pool area near the hoop. Across-the-pool shots are not allowed.
- No skates, bicycles, or skateboards on the front deck, tennis courts, or within the pool deck/area. Bikes must be parked at bike rack and locked at all times.
- All persons under 18 must have an Emergency Contact and Medical Form on file at the pool in order to be at the pool without a parent.
- Snorkels and fins are generally prohibited. Lifeguards may grant exceptions when conditions warrant.
- The lifeguards will close the pool when, in their judgment, inclement weather threatens the health or safety of patrons. The pool will reopen 30 minutes after the last indication of inclement weather (thunder, lightning, etc). The pool will remain open during light rainfall, but will close if rainfall significantly impacts lifeguard visibility.
- The following regulations will be enforced for the Diving Boards and Diving Well.
- Diving well is available for diving or swimming – not both at same time.
- Request use from lifeguard – lifeguard designates diving boards “open” or “closed”.
- Children who have not passed the swim test are prohibited from the diving well and diving boards – even with flotation device and/or parent.
- Children may not dive into the arms of a parent.
- Only one person on the board at a time.
- Excessive bouncing on the board is prohibited.
- Diving is permitted in the forward direction only.
- Dive straight off end of board.
- No cartwheels or handstands.
- Goggles or flotation devices prohibited.
- After diving, proceed directly to the nearest ladder to clear for next diver.
- No diving until the previous diver has reached side.
- Lifeguard may close the diving well to divers or swimmers at any time the number of swimmers or visibility of swimmers compromises safety.